Personality Test (cont.) - Last Part! Part 4 of 4 76) I procrastinate work often*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree77) When I make plans, I follow through*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree78) I am detail oriented*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree79) I prepare often*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree80) I am unorganized*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 81) I spot opportunities naturally*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree82) I tend to waste time*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree83) I need a kick to start*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree84) I do not do more work than required*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree85) When I make plans, I follow through*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 86) I am spontaneous*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree87) I am organized*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree88) I finish what I start*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree89) I can get out of doing what’s required*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree90) I am reliable*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 91) I don’t leave things incomplete*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree92) I am precise in my work*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree93) I always get my chores done*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree94) I am indecisive*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree95) I follow the plan*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 96) I start and stop things often*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree97) I am messy*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree98) I don’t always finish what I start*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree99) I make decisions easily*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree100) I have strong focus*Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree