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How Well Did You Do?
The properties of the normal distribution apply to IQ scores. Therefore, the following is true:
- 50% of IQ scores fall between 90 and 110
- 70% of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115
- 95% of IQ scores fall between 70 and 130
- 99.5% of IQ scores fall between 50 and 145

What Does Your IQ Score Mean?
You can use the following as a general guideline to decipher the meaning of your result.
- Over 144 - Genius Or Near Genius
- 130-144 - Far Superior Intelligence
- 115-129 - Above Average Intelligence
- 100-114 - Slightly Above Average Intelligence
- 85-99 - Slightly Below Average Intelligence
- 70-84 - Dullness, Borderline Deficiency
- Under 70 - Definite Feeble-Mindedness