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Official IQ Exam (N.I Certified)
IQ exams have been the standard for testing the general population's intelligence for many years now. The exam works great as it compares one's result to the score of the population detailing how intelligent one is relative to the general population.
These exams are the most accurate way of calculating an individual's intelligence using a psychological test as stated by multiple researchers.

This test is timed and requires your complete undivided attention. Make sure that you are in a quiet place where you can concentrate before beginning.
Why Take The IQ Test?
This IQ test serves several purposes. By taking it, you can better understand how well you learn, develop concepts, process information and use logic to solve problems compared to the rest of the population. The results gathered from this test will tell you more about the intellectual differences between people, and clarify what kinds of tasks are easier for you to accomplish.
How Effective Is This Test?
Our IQ test was drafted by a group of experienced researchers in psychology. This is a test that's accessed by millions of people around the world each day. With their participation, our data sets on IQ by region informs the questions asked and the results given to you. With such a wide selection of participants, you can be certain that your IQ placement among the global population is reliable, and it adheres to the Gauss Curve standard.
Are You Gifted?
The term gifted has been reserved for those individuals whose IQ exceeds average IQ. This often means an IQ score higher than 130. For many at this level, intellectual exercises come more easily to them.
Here are some common characteristics of gifted people:
• They tend to question many things around them, following their curiosity to places where they can expand their existing knowledge.
• Many are perfectionists, wanting things to be done a certain way in order to achieve a certain level of accuracy.
• Strategic thinking is how many of them draft and apply plans, and can also rework them to fit a number of scenarios.
• They posses an ability to focus on tasks for extended periods of time without interruption.
• Hobbies and interests excite them, and many can pursue these with an obsession not found in most people.
• Many may be hypersensitive to a variety of stimuli.
• Gifted people are often critical of their choices, consider consequences, and may find themselves burdened by thoughts.
How Does Disability Affect IQ
Those with mental disabilities may have their IQ adversely impacted. While many can withstand the rigors of intense work, they may have trouble meeting social demands places on them that don't take into account their limitations or strengths. There are several factors for the development of such disorders that can be traced back to pregnancy or infancy. At times it can be the after effect of being exposed to certain diseases, like measles or whooping cough, and delaying immunization over a long period of time. Regardless of its origins, these disorders can likely impact your ability to perform in this test and your IQ overall.
What Does This Test Say About You?
The results of every IQ test comes with statistics tailored for every participant. You will be ranked against several factors (general and international distribution of IQ, distribution by age group, distribution by study level, distribution by study field).
The statistics you receive at the end of the test are informed by participants from all over the world, gathered over a number of years.
IQ Categorized by Education Level

IQ Categorized by Field of Study